Christian Holzleitner

Christian Holzleitner

Christian Holzleitner is currently Head of Unit responsible for Land Economy and Carbon removals at the European Commission DG CLIMA. Previously, he worked as Head of Unit for Finance for Innovation and Land Use and assistant to the DG CLIMA covering all issues...
Stefanie Siebert

Stefanie Siebert

Stefanie Siebert is Executive Director of the European Compost Network ECN, and responsible for the management of ECN and for developing and implementing the ECN strategy and policies. She coordinates the ECN’s representation and lobbying activities at European level....
Florent Levavasseur

Florent Levavasseur

Florent Levavasseur is a researcher at the French National Research Institute for  Agriculture,  Food  and  Environment  (INRAE).  His  research  focuses  on  the recycling of organic waste in agriculture, using a multi-criteria assessment framework from field to...
NIck Primmer

NIck Primmer

Nick leads Future Biogas’ engagement with government and associations, ensuring effective policies and regulations are in place for the delivery of Project Carbon Harvest – a venture to design and operate the UK’s next generation of AD plants delivering...
Guido Bezzi

Guido Bezzi

Guido Bezzi holds a degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies and PhD at University of Bologna with a specialization in ecophysiology of biomass crops. He has been working since 2008 as a consultant on renewable energies and sustainable agricultural systems. He...