Francesca Magnolo

Francesca Magnolo

Francesca Magnolo works as a researcher for FeedbackEU on the interlink between agri-food systems sustainability and biomethane production. She is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ghent University. Her research focuses on green...
Paolo Frankl

Paolo Frankl

Paolo Frankl is the Head of the Renewable Energy Division (RED) at the International Energy Agency (IEA), which he joined in summer 2007. In this role Dr. Frankl coordinates the Division’s activities, encompassing the status and progress of renewable energy...
Peter Schley

Peter Schley

Peter Schley is the co-founder and Managing Director of SmartSim GmbH, a company established in 2018 as a spin-off from E.ON. SmartSim GmbH has developed an innovative solution for gas quality tracking, facilitating the integration of biomethane into gas networks....
Giovanni Perrella

Giovanni Perrella

Mr Giovanni Perrella works from 20 years at the Ministry of Environment and Energy security, Department of Energy, as senior advisor in the fields of energy statistics, energy planning and scenarios, biofuels and biomethane, oil market and security, green mobility and...