31 Jul 2024

Giovanni Perrella

President of the National Committee for Biofuels , Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Italy

Mr Giovanni Perrella works from 20 years at the Ministry of Environment and Energy security, Department of Energy, as senior advisor in the fields of energy statistics, energy planning and scenarios, biofuels and biomethane, oil market and security, green mobility and sustainability. From 2023, he is President of the National Committee on Biofuels.

He collaborates in the drafting of administrative and legislative acts relating to energy, for liquid biofuels and biomethane, energy taxation, the system of mandatory stocks of petroleum products and the system of energy statistics.

Mr Giovanni Perrella performs analysis of the national energy system for the national energy policy planning and collaborated in the elaboration of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP 2024 the last) and the Long-Term Strategy of Italy to 2050 (LTS), the legislation on alternative fuel infrastructure of the transport sector (AFIR).

He is the Italian delegate and participates in several experts Group at EU level. He collaborates with the International Energy Agency-OECD within the working groups: Energy Statistics, Standing Group on the Oil market (SOM) and Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ), where, since 2012, is vice-chair.